Introduction to Losses
There are two types of losses in transmission and distribution line.- Technical Losses and
- Commercial Losses.
Transmission (technical) losses are directly effected on electrical tariff, but commercial losses are not implemented to all consumers.
Technical losses of the distribution line mostly depend upon electrical load, type and size of conductor, length of line etc.Let’s try to calculate technical losses of one of following 11 KV distribution line
Example – 11 kV Distribution Line
11 KV distribution line have following parameters:- Main length of 11 KV line is 6.18 km.
- Total number of distribution transformer on feeder:
25 KVA = 3 No.
63 KVA = 3 No.
100 KVA = 1 No. - 25 KVA transformer:
- Iron losses = 100 W
- Copper losses = 720 W
- Average LT line loss = 63W - 63KVA transformer:
- Iron losses = 200 W
- Copper losses = 1300 W
- Average LT line loss = 260W - 100 KVA transformer:
- Iron losses = 290 W
- Copper losses = 1850 W
- LT line loss = 1380W - Maximum amp is 12 Amps.
- Unit sent out during to feeder is 490335 Kwh
- Unit sold out during from feeder is 353592 Kwh
- Normative load diversity factor for urban feeder is 1.5 and for rural feeder is 2.0
Total connected load = No’s of connected transformers
Total connected load = (25×3) + (63×3) + (100×1) = 364 KVAPeak load = 1.732 x Line voltage x Max. amp
Peak load = 264 / 1.732 x 11 x 12 = 228Diversity factor (DF) = Connected load (in KVA) / Peak load
Diversity factor (DF) = 364 /228 = 1.15
Load factor (LF) =
Unit sent out (in Kwh) / 1.732 x Line voltage x Max. amp. x P.F. x 8760
Load factor (LF) = 490335 / 1.732 x 11 x 12 x 0.8 × 8760 = 0.3060Loss load factor (LLF) = (0.8 x LF x LF)+ (0.2 x LF)
Loss load factor (LLF) = (0.8 x 0.3060 x 0.3060) + (0.2 x 0.306) = 0.1361Calculation of iron losses
Total annual iron loss in KWh =Iron losses in Watts x Nos of TC on the feeder x 8760 / 1000
Total annual iron loss (25 KVA TC) =
100 x 3 x 8760 / 1000 = 2628 KWh
Total annual iron loss (63 KVA TC) =
200 x 3 x 8760 / 1000 = 5256 KkWh
Total annual iron loss (100 KVA TC) =
290 x 3 x 8760 / 1000 = 2540 KWh
Total annual iron loss =
2628 + 5256 + 2540 = 10424 KWh
Calculation of copper losses
Total annual copper loss in KWh =Cu Loss in Watts x Nos of TC on the feeder LFX LF X8760 / 1000
Total annual copper loss (25 KVA TC) =
720 x 3 x 0.3 × 0.3 × 8760 / 1000 = 1771 KWh
Total annual copper loss (63 KVA TC) =
1300 x 3 x 0.3 × 0.3 × 8760 / 1000 = 3199 KWh
Total annual copper loss (100 KVA TC) =
1850 x 1 x 0.3 × 0.3 × 8760 / 1000 = 1458 KWh
Total annual copper loss =
1771 + 3199 + 1458 = 6490 KWh
HT line losses (Kwh) =
0.105 x (conn. load x 2) x Length x Resistance x LLF / (LDF x DF x DF x 2)
HT line losses = 1.05 x (265 × 2) x 6.18 x 0.54 x 0.1361 /1.5 x 1.15 x 1.15 x 2 = 831 KWh
Peak power losses =
(3 x Total LT line losses) / (PPL x DF x DF x 1000)
Peak power losses = 3 x (3 × 63 + 3 × 260 + 1 × 1380) /1.15 x 1.15 x 1000 = 3.0LT Line losses (KWh) = (PPL) x (LLF) x 8760
LT Line losses = 3 x 0.1361 x 8760 = 3315 KWh
Total technical losses =
(HT Line losses + LT Line losses + Annual Cu losses + Annual iron losses)
Total technical losses = (831+ 3315 + 10424 + 6490) = 21061 KWh% Technical loss = (Total losses) / (Unit sent out annually) x 100
% Technical loss = (21061 / 490335) x 100 = 4.30%
% Technical Loss = 4.30%
Nice. Thanks for the great information. NEMR is known as one of the best 63kva Distribution Transformer. NEMR Industries provides reliable and efficient 63kva distribution transformer for smooth supply to varied uses. These transformers come with advanced features to assure stable voltage, minimize loss, and have no trouble even under tough conditions.